Friday, November 28, 2014

Weigh In Wednesday (Two Days Late)

Hey guys!

Hope everyone (that celebrates) had a fantastic Thanksgiving! I know I did! I love making plans.... because then I break them, and wonder why I tried in the first place... lol. But at least I kept it in mind! And honestly, I didn't do too bad. I had turkey and deviled eggs, stuffing (regular, just a little bit), roasted potatoes (just a little), real potato salad (mom made me feel bad, and I had a moment of weakness), and green bean casserole (not terrible carb-wise). All in all, I could have definitely made better choices, but you know what? I decided that it would only be one day, and I got right back on plan today. 

That is the amazing thing about knowing what you want to do with your goals... you can keep yourself in check just a bit better.

As for goals:

Blog: 2 times to get back into the swing of things. (I did this, but also missed my Wednesday update... but dang it, I wasn't home hardly at all that day.)
Vlog: Film 3 videos, and post at least twice a week. You can check out my YouTube channel here! (I did better! I actually filmed 5 videos, but lost one... figured out my mistake, so I won't do that again. I think I only posted 1 though. I know I can do better this week.)
Book: I really miss reading! I need to start a new book. (Not only did I get halfway through the book, I finished it!! I think I had it finished by Sunday actually! Jason and I had a rare day where we just sat and read in quiet. Loved it! *New Goal: Start a new book and get at least 6 chapters read.
 Diet: No more cheating, back on track. Track with MFP at least 4 days this week.(I have decided to remove this from my goals. As I said last week, I just don't keep up with it like I should. I will come up with something else though, for this area)
Fitness: Try to get 8000 steps a day, even on my off days. (Failed... On my days off, it's either been really way to cold to move around, or I've been extremely busy. I will try better this week.)

Wednesday Weigh-In: 165.8 
While I'm not happy at all with this weight, I am not truly at fault for this. First of all, it was before Thanksgiving, and I didn't cheat once. Second, I hurt my back really bad at work on Saturday, and had to take a steroid. It made my weight change within 2 days. Also made me sick as hell, so I quit taking it. I'm sure the weight will even out again soon. 

So, what with my one day of Thanksgiving madness out of the way, I'm hoping to be better behaved for the rest of the week. We will see what happens to my weight then.

Hope you all have a great week!

P.S. Guess what I found at my Dollar Tree?? So excited!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Really? So close already?

Image from (yes, I believe that is bacon on the turkey, and that is okay with me)

Is it just me... or did you know that the end of the year is like RIGHT THERE? Did it sneak up on anyone else, or am I the only oblivious person out here? 

Like, Thanksgiving is in 2 days..... did you just hear me? TWO DAYS!!! 

This is the time of year that we need to be extremely diligent with our diets. My plan? Well, since I'm following a low carb/high fat diet, I will enjoy the hell out of some turkey. Then I am making alternative side dishes so I can enjoy, like cauliflower faux-tatoes, some coconut flour pop-overs, cauliflower faux-tato salad, and SF cheesecake fluff. I will still be making all my fully carby stuff for the rest of the family to enjoy, but I will not give in to temptation. I don't want to be side tracked, and I sure as hell don't want to be fat anymore. So I will stick with it, and make it through. I learned my lesson at Easter (of course, I wasn't lchf then, but still).

So what are you going to do? What is your plan? If you go into the holidays with a plan, you stand a better chance of sticking with your goals. Just saying.... 

Friday, November 21, 2014

I Could Eat This Every Day

Oh my gosh! I could seriously eat this every day! What am I talking about? TACO SALAD of course! Why? This is a super versatile meal, that you can change at any time. You can make it with almost any meat, and you can keep several of the ingredients on hand (you probably already do!) How do I make mine?

The meat is usually seasoned hamburger, but I'll do chicken or pork if I have it on hand. Then I toss in lettuce, tomato, cheese, sour cream, salsa and avocado. You could add onions, cilantro, peppers... the list is literally endless... you can do as much or as little as you want. I absolutely love this meal!

What about you? What could you eat every day?

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Weigh In Wednesday

Hey there everyone! Can you believe that I'm actually sticking with the blog (so far lol). I'm excited! I love seeing myself stick with something, especially with what happened this weekend (more below). The holidays seem to be more and more stressful for me every year, and it doesn't help that my ex-husband has decided to pull some douchey shit with me, and it's got me just a basket full of crazy right now. 

So, I will stay accountable, I will stay connected, and I will get through this.

On to the goals!

Blog: 2 times to get back into the swing of things. (I did 3... if you count the Wednesday update. Super happy!)
Vlog: Film 3 videos, and post at least twice a week. Seems like Monday's and Thursdays are good days. You can check out my YouTube channel here! (Ugh... not so good here... didn't film or post anything this week! I started one video, and it just wasn't working out. I'm hoping next week will be better.)
Book: I really miss reading! I need to start a new book. (Started a book! How to Seduce a Vampire (Without Really Trying). It's the latest in a long running series by author Kerrelyn Sparks. I'm about 88 pages in.) *New Goal: Get half-way through my book by next Wednesday.
Diet: No more cheating, back on track. Track with MFP at least 4 days this week. (Failed.... I might actually take this off my goals, because I just find tracking sooo tedious. I know what I need to eat (and what I don't). I will debate on this, this week.
Fitness: Try to find some good core exercises that won't hurt the hell out of my back. I'm going to wait until after the first of the year to do anything very hard core... so I will stock pile, try things out, find out what works, and get ready for the 1st of Jan. (Still looking up lots of stuff. Some of it looks pretty hard, but I can progress up too it.) *New Goal: Try to get 8000 steps a day, even on my off days. 

Wednesday Weigh-In: 164 
I cheated this weekend.... like the whole freaking weekend. I need to stop doing this, because I'm just making it harder on myself. I had burgers with buns, fries, cookies, junk at work.... oh the humanity! 

But I'm back on track, and I hope to drop that number to one lower than last week. :) Here's hoping!

Hope you all have a great week!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Coffee or Tea? (Or both??)

Image from

There are so many people who prefer coffee over tea, and vice versa. But personally? I think they both have a place in your diet, hell, just in your life. Forget diet. If you want to see how awesome it is, you can check herehere, here, and here. So we know that tea and coffee is awesome. Which is my favorite? 

Actually, both. They both have their place in my life. In the morning, I love to have a cup of coffee before work. Gives me the boost of energy I need at 4 am (who wouldn't need a boost of energy at 4am? Seriously). And then I drink tea and water through out the rest of the day. Honestly, more tea than water... but tea is made from water, so.........

When I have my coffee, I drink it with heavy whipping cream and sugar free syrup. I wouldn't drink it if it actually tasted like coffee, eww gross. My tea, I drink iced with splenda in it. Please, I know what you might say... Splenda is bad, blah blah blah... no worse than that Diet Coke you are chugging... Sorry. 

So which do you prefer? How do you drink it? Hot, cold, or somewhere in between? Do you doctor it up with syrups and creams, or are you a purist when it comes to your drink?

Friday, November 14, 2014

What Happened to the Journey?

Hey guys... so I don't know if you have really noticed or not, but I haven't posted lately about my progress to Mordor with Frodo and Sam. There is a perfectly valid reason for this. First, I got a new phone, so I forgot to write down what my old one tracked (it had a pedometer in it). Second, the new phone died after a month, so that was a months worth of steps that I lost. Third, While I was waiting for a new phone, I used the old phone again, and now it has crashed, losing that week or so that it tracked. Fourth, I forget to sit down and write it down every day (this one is all me). 

So, I'm currently in a holding patteren. I haven't given up though. I am going to probably sit down and figure out what I can this weekend. But you know, with all though lost days, it's going to be inaccurate. Oh well... I'll do what I can!


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Weigh In Wednesday and More...

Hey guys! So, last week I set goals.... did I accomplish them? No... not really. UGH! But at least I set them, and I am aware of them... and I will be doing something to change that. I do have a few excuses (to make me not feel so bad lol).

So, here's my last weeks goals:
Blog: 2 times to get back into the swing of things. Maybe a recipe once a week? But I want to post on Wednesday's... Maybe a weigh in Wednesday like Desiree over at Finding the Skinny Geek Within? (So here it is, Wednesday... At least I got half my goal done.)
Vlog: Film 3 videos, and post at least twice a week. Seems like Monday's and Thursdays are good days. You can check out my YouTube channel here! (I started filming 2 different videos, but the final products were awful... and I just won't share those... because I want to share things people can actually make and eat. I didn't post anything either, because the other phone that I was using while my new one was in transit has crashed along with a few saved videos. So starting from scratch, again.)
Book: I really miss reading! I need to start a new book (I have several to choose from) (So... I started P.C. Cast's book Goddess of the Sea... but I was reading it on my old phone... which I just mentioned has crashed... so now I've lost all progress on that. I'll have to start again.)
Diet: No more cheating, back on track. Track with MFP at least 4 days this week (I only had one cheat, and it wasn't like I had a choice... I was at work (Kitchen) where we were making steak fingers, mashed potatoes and some disgusting veggy... So I ended up eating the steak fingers and a tiny bit of mashed potatoes... but luckily I kept the rest of my day good, so I didn't blow it. And as for tracking, I tracked 1 full day, and am tracking today... I need to do better with this.)
Fitness: Try to find some good core exercises that won't hurt the hell out of my back. I'm going to wait until after the first of the year to do anything very hard core... so I will stock pile, try things out, find out what works, and get ready for the 1st of Jan. (So I found a couple of good yoga tutorials and an awesome website that makes "fan-based" type work outs... I love it... I can't wait to get started after the first of the year.... Yes, I'm going to wait.)

So let's talk about Weigh In Wednesday... Last week I weighed in at 167. This week, I'm so excited, because I weighed in at 162.6!! I'm exactly 20 lbs down from when I started doing LCHF (low carb/high fat). It works faster for some... this took me 6 months... but who cares? It's fraking gone, and never coming back! 

Also, I'm only 1.4 lbs away from losing a grand total of 30 lbs since the first of the year!! I never actually thought I would make it this far...I figured I would start, but then when I got bored, or didn't get INSTANT results, I would give up like I always used to. But I stuck with it, and BAM!! How awesome! I couldn't have done it without all the friends I've made online this year!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Temptation, Thy Name Is.....

Bitch. Your name is BITCH. That's all I have to say to you. Ugh! Why, Temptation??? Why?! Why must you rear your ugly head, when all I want to do is be good, and be successful? But there you are... seductive, tantalizing, taunting... (shit, I could write a romance novel lol). 

So, as you may or may not know, Halloween was just a few days ago. And temptation (along with a severe dose of stress) kicked into high gear and whooped my ass. As it stands, I still have a massive quantity of Halloween candy at my house, but I only gave in the one day. I bought so much for trick-or-treaters... that didn't even show up. The nerve. But, what's a girl to do? First? Give in and have several pieces... because stress and temptation are two sides to an evil coin. But second? I gave a ton of it away to a coworker whose kids didn't get to do much trick-or-treating due to her youngest getting sick. Next? Push it on hubby... what?? He's not the one on a diet (no matter how much he should be). Also? Give to the kids (sparingly... don't want anyone throwing up). 

SO here's what I have decided to do. I really like what Karen over at Adipose Diet has been doing with weekly goals... it's simple, but each week, you can look back and see how you did. And you know, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery (or something like that). So, without further ado!

Blog: 2 times to get back into the swing of things. Maybe a recipe once a week? But I want to post on Wednesday's... Maybe a weigh in Wednesday like Desiree over at Finding the Skinny Geek Within?
Vlog: Film 3 videos, and post at least twice a week. Seems like Monday's and Thursdays are good days. You can check out my YouTube channel here!
Book: I really miss reading! I need to start a new book (I have several to choose from)
Diet: No more cheating, back on track. Track with MFP at least 4 days this week
Fitness: Try to find some good core exercises that won't hurt the hell out of my back. I'm going to wait until after the first of the year to do anything very hard core... so I will stock pile, try things out, find out what works, and get ready for the 1st of Jan.

Wednesday Weigh-In: 167 (just in case I decide to keep this up).