Friday, March 21, 2014

Would you believe it if I said SQUIRRELS were involved?

So, I have ADHD... sometimes it's worse than others. Lately it's been worse. I didn't realize it'd been over 2 weeks since I'd last posted anything. Probably a good thing though, since a fat lot of NOTHING has happened since the last post. So, I will fill you in on what did happen, and explain my SQUIRREL problem.

Right after I posted last, I did the jumping jack and squat thing for about 2 days... but it was pretty inconsistent. After trying, and doing well at work, I would quickly fizzle at home (not sure the logiv there) and then stop... and when I was out? Forget it! I'm not doing jumping jacks in a public potty.... that's just weirder than I wanna go.

The portion control thing works pretty great when I'm on my work schedule. But on my nights off? HAHA forget about it! Might as well through that crap right out the window! Is that a candy bar? Hand it over! In fact, I'll take 2 please! Shit.

As far as posting... well... the SQUIRRELS... I can explain... so my friend Karen and I talked about our ADHD once, and how it seems like we start with one thing, and then (without finishing) we jump to something else, leading to several things, before jumping to the first to finish, and eventually finishing (or not) all. We kinda named them SQUIRRELS. While this has never usually been a problem for me, something I just laugh about and go on, it's kind of put a damper on the blog thing. I'm going to get better at this! I figured having a computer at the house again would make it better, not actually worse. But hey... we will see what happens. I've set reminders all over the house. Something will be shiny enough to catch my attention. ;)

So what am I doing now? Well, on the 12th, the Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans started a new challenge requiring groups. Unfortunately, due to the fact that I was working for a few minutes (tee hee), I didn't get grouped with Karen. However, the group I am in is amazing, so it's just as good! I am super grateful for Adah, Becky, Cassondra and Jill! Anyway, each week we have challenges that we have to fulfill. Last week, the group had to set our own challenge, which we decided to track all of our food. And I did it all week, didn't skip a day! I lost 2.4 pounds too. (Doesn't really count though because I gained back a bunch when I was a slacker lazy ass, so I have to try really hard to lose it plus lol).

Anyway, sorry for the long post! Next time I won't wait 2+ weeks, and it'll be shorter!


  1. Great job on tracking your food and losing!!

    I tell people that my son and I have ADOS....attention deficit......Oh! Shiny!

    Have a great weekend!

    1. Haha!! Oh Andy! That is awesome and completely applicable!

  2. HAHAHA! I love Andy's ADOS! I think I'll start using that, too! And crazy as it may sound it might be a good thing that we're not in the same group. We would distract each other and give the other one too many "good" excuses ;)

    1. I started thinking about that too! It's a bummer but I like the way it worked out too.

  3. all that matters is that you're still striving for your goals! one week off, 2 weeks of bad food? pfft. baby steps. it's never giant successful leaps no matter how easy some people make it look. I'm just glad you're not frustrated and throwing in the towel! I'm glad that you're pumped with your challenge group!! Hope you are able to find a better balance! (to be honest i've been struggling with my blogging a lot more than i expected i would this time around). So don't feel too left out or lonely in that department!!
