Friday, October 10, 2014

Long time no see....

I'm sorry that I haven't posted in a while... I had planned to post twice a week, but you know how plans go. See, I've been getting my shit straight. It's harder than you would think. I'm also working more on my YouTube Channel, and that takes more time than I realized. 

So let's shoot straight for a few minutes. I was getting super frustrated because I had stalled. I mean STALLED. I stayed within the same 4 lbs for 2 months. I hate that! But in searching for the reason why, and talking with all my smart friends, I discovered something. I needed to check what the hell I was eating. I hadn't been tracking in months, I mean, why would I need to? I'm eating low carb. Pretty much a no brainer, right? No. 

Unfortunately, while I was eating low carb, I was also eating toooooo much! Usually you don't need to track your calories, but most would recommend tracking your food for the sake of keeping an eye on your Macros (Fat, Protein and Carbohydrates). One of my big problems was dry roasted peanuts. They are only 3 net carbs in them (Total Carbs minus Fiber or Sugar Alcohols). However, that's for a 1 oz serving. I was grabbing a bowl, and eating probably 4 or 5 servings, or more. Yikes!

Also, I was nibbling everything at work. I mean, what's to say that these are bad: a little cornbread here, you know, just a pinch, or a few crumbs of cake (from every pan) or a small tiny amount of potatoes..... you get the idea. However, when you take a small portion (lets say enough for a bite) from each pan, and you are cutting 6 pans for the patients, then guess what? You've had 6 bites or about 1 piece. Not to mention all the other things nibbled through out 8 hours. Oh yeah, and eating two meals there on top of it all. So I cut that shit out too. I still eat the two meals, but I don't nibble anymore. It's sooo hard too lol... 

So, as you might remember (unless you are a new reader, in which case, here is the post) I decided after Easter to get my ass in gear for reals. From Jan 1 to Easter, I piddly-farted around and only lost about 7 lbs or so. In 4 months?? Unacceptable. Easter was the turning point. I started walking at work, I started really cutting out crap foods. I lost a few inches, but not really any weight... but that's ok. Then I started eating Low Carb/High Fat. Why am I retelling you all this? It's mostly for me. It's been a long journey. Where am I at today?

This is actually right after I started eating Low Carb/HighFat

Well, I no longer really count Jan 1 as my starting date, even though I did lose a few pounds. I'm counting Easter (well, 4/22 which was a few days later) as my starting date. What has happened since then? I've lost 25 1/4" off my whole body, and I've lost 20 lbs. :) I still have a ways to go, but with you guys cheering me on, I can't go wrong! Thank you all!


  1. you my dear are doing great! I'm proud of you! And as for the munching... we all do it now and again! I actually eat 5-6 times a day because of my terrible need to be eating something. I have to tell you it's hard to cut back on big meals to ensure I'm getting in snacks when I need to kill the tummy grumbles! But it's what works for me! So if you're a muncher, start prepackaging your snacks into 1 serving and keep them in a box ready to go when you need them! I'll link a post to my blog on your FB post about the one I made for my boyfriend :)

    You rock and you've got this! Keep it up!!

    1. Thank you so much Sarah! I really can't do the snack box thing either... that's just more bags for me to open when I want to eat all of them til I'm full. It truly is food addiction, in a way. I will eat whatever is available to me. I used to buy those 100 Cal packs, and I would eat like 3 or 4 at a time. Not very smart lol. I've found that I just need to eat when I'm hungry. Some times, that's like every 5 mins, and sometimes it's not for several hours in between meals. Eh. lol
